At Ancore Health, we strive to empower healthcare organizations to drive clarity, improve performance, and create accountability. For some clients, achieving this mission requires us to work with the leadership team to define a clear strategy and system of accountability while relying on their organization to implement that strategy. However, for other clients, we begin our work with the organization’s strategy clearly defined but an inability to execute that strategy.
Many clients echo that they are surrounded by data, but they do not have meaningful, standardized reports that reflect the health of their medical group. This consistent message drove us to develop Ancore Practice Management Reporting Solution (A-PM), a flexible, turnkey reporting solution that drives accountability and clarity within the medical group, fostering a data-driven culture through five key areas:
Single Source of Truth Reporting
An enterprise data warehouse is the foundation of a data-driven culture. On any given day, medical groups may work with GL, billing, scheduling, denials, referrals, open claims, payroll, quality, and third-party claims data. Many of those data sources are siloed—often unintentionally—so tracking a standard metric such as compensation per wRVU may require requests from two separate departments and manual work to combine those extracts.
Bringing those disparate sources into one easy-to-access place is a pivotal role of the single source of truth, but to become the trusted hub every organization needs, a single source of truth must do more than simply aggregate data. It should standardize metrics and language across an organization. A single source of truth allows non-technical users to effortlessly connect data from across the organization and trust that they get accurate and consistent information.
Trusted, Transparent Metrics
Access and trust are necessary to drive accountability. If people feel that any part of the reporting process comes from a “black box,” they will distrust—or at least discount—what they see if it does not align with their prior beliefs. This does not mean that everyone needs access to every line of data, but everyone should understand how the pieces fit together.
We integrate metric definitions and crosswalks into A-PM, so users can understand metrics in the moment instead of leaving the tool to find documentation or contact the person who built the report. This transparency ensures everyone feels that comparisons are “apples-to-apples” across practices. On more than one occasion, we have worked with an organization in which there was disagreement about whether small balance write-offs were avoidable or unavoidable adjustments. Since there is no “right” answer, we focus on garnering a consensus and creating a consistent categorization, so clients can feel confident that differences in metrics such as net collections rate are due to performance rather than semantics.
If everyone understands the purpose of reporting, we can cut to the heart of the issue to drive improvement rather than debating why a number is higher or lower than expected.
Reporting Expertise
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to delivering insights across an organization. We use over 40 years of combined practice management and physician alignment experience to develop a tailored mix of delivery methods that puts the right information in the right hands. These methods include web-based dashboards, push reports, and custom insights.
Web-based interactive dashboards allow users to quickly transition from summary-level visualizations that highlight areas of high and low performance to more detailed views to pinpoint who or what is driving that performance. However, not everyone has time to sign into a web portal and process all the information those dashboards contain. To reduce these barriers, we provide tailored reports ranging from individual provider scorecards (including productivity, scheduling, and workflow efficiency) with benchmarks to highlight areas of opportunity to executive reports that inform leadership of where the medical group is excelling or performing poorly.
Thought Partnership
In every project or solution Ancore provides, we aim to be a thought partner rather than a passive source of information. We understand that each organization has its own goals and nuances, and we tailor our work accordingly. Although transactional, prescriptive interactions can solve short-term problems, we believe a multidisciplinary thought partnership allows for the flexibility needed to address the ever-changing healthcare landscape.
A lack of insights is often a communication issue rather than a lack of technical ability. For our Solutions’ clients, we present monthly findings tailored to their top priorities and engage in quarterly strategic reviews to re-align based on key initiatives, review changes in the market, and discuss key obstacles to success.
Empower Clients to Operate at Top of License
Equipped with an accessible single source of truth and understanding of strategic priorities, we free up time for everyone to operate at top of license. We provide leadership with reports that highlight areas of success and opportunity. We automate much of the manual work analysts perform to allow them to focus on the issues highlighted in the reports or dashboards rather than simply creating them. We equip providers with key metrics relative to internal or external benchmarks to highlight areas of success and processes they could improve. In other words, we own the tedious work, so you can start three steps ahead.
Transforming information into insight requires more than putting the right pieces in a pile and hoping they assemble themselves. For help moving from information to insight that fits your environment, contact us at: